Dec. 14, 2020
Santo Tomas Executive Meeting
Please Note, The Santo Tomas Scottsdale Homes Association board will meet in Executive Session Wednesday evening at 5:30 to discuss a recent conversation with the assocaition attorney regarding documents received from the Concerned Homeowners Group for changes to the CC&R's. These items will be reviewed and addressed at the next open meeting for the community on January 11th at 5:30 pm. Thanks Lance MitchellCommunity Manager
Dec. 8, 2020
Update On Documents Received From Homeowners (Click for Details)
Dear Homeowner, The Board of Directors (BOD) of the SANTO TOMAS SCOTTSDALE HOMES ASSOCIATION, INC. (STSHA) acknowledges receipt of a letter and Consent Forms from the CONCERNED HOMEOWNERS GROUP, which invokes Article IX, Section 3 of the DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR SANTO TOMAS SCOTTSDALE (CC&R) and directs the Board to incorporate language regarding "Leases" into Article IV, Section 1, Subsection V of the CC&Rs. The BOD will determine how to respond to this direction within the rules and constraints imposed by the STSHA governing documents and by Arizona state law. The BOD will provide updates as the process moves forward. Your patience is appreciated.
Nov. 20, 2020
Santo Tomas November Board Meeting (Click for Details)
Please Note, The Santo Tomas Board will meet Monday November 23 at 5:30 pm via teleconference. Agenda, Meeting Minutes, and Financials for the meeting are attached. Below is the access info for the teleconference. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: the best audio experience, please use computer audio. Telephone: +1(623)4049000 Meeting ID: 149 064 5448 Thanks, Lance Mitchell
Nov. 3, 2020
Santo Tomas Annual Meeting (Click for Details)
Dear Homeowner: The 2020 Annual Meeting will take place Monday November 16th, 2020 at 6:00 PM. The purpose of the Annual Meeting is to elect members to the Board of Directors, review the financial standing of the association, and allow for Homeowner comments. Due to Covid-19 this meeting will be held via Teleconference. If you wish to submit your ballot in person, they can be submitted to the Community Manager, Lance Mitchell, at the corner of 72nd Place and Manzanita Drive between 4:00 PM and 5:00 PM on November 16th. You may access the meeting via computer or phone with the information provided: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: For the best audio experience, please use computer audio. Telephone: +1(623)4049000 Meeting ID: 148 614 0558 Please find attached an absentee ballot and summary of the members interested in running for the board. You can submit your ballot via e-mail to Ballots not submitted in person must be received by November 13th at 5:00 PM. Due to the electronic nature of this meeting, ballots will serve as attendance (if unable to join the conference call) and verification of quorum. We appreciate your anticipated cooperation with this matter. A brief Board Meeting will be held immediately following the Annual Meeting. Sincerely, Lance Mitchell Community Manager
Oct. 5, 2020
Santo Tomas HOA October Board Meeting (Click for Details)
Dear Homeowner, The Santo Tomas HOA Board will be meeting Monday, October 12th at 5:30-6:15 PM for an executive Session Meeting. The public portion of the meeting will begin at approximately 6:15. The meeting will be held via teleconference and can be accessed by computer or phone with the following: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Or Telephone: +1(623)4049000 Meeting ID: 148 720 3380 Please see the attachment for the items to be addressed at this meeting.
June 26, 2020
Santo Tomas June Board Meeting (Click for Details)
Dear Homeowner, The Santo Tomas HOA Board Meeting will be held June 30th at 6:30 PM (Executive Session to take place before General Session). Please see below for access to the teleconferece and attachments for information relevant to the meeting. Telephone: +1(623)4049000 Meeting ID: 148 093 0470 Thanks, Lance Mitchell Community Manager
May 16, 2020
Santo Tomas Hoa May Board Meeting (Click for Agenda)
Dear Homeowner, The Santo Tomas HOA Board meeting for May will be held Monday the 18th at 5:30 PM via Teleconference. Please see the attachment for the Agenda, Minutes, and Financials. Below is the needed information to access the Teleconference: Topic: Santo Tomas HOA Board Meeting Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: iPhone one-tap: +1(623)4049000,,1497273680# Telephone: +1(623)4049000 Meeting ID: 149 727 3680
March 31, 2020
Santo Tomas Board Meeting April 6 (Click for Agenda)
The Santo Tomas Board meeting will be held Monday, April 6th at 5:30 PM via teleconference. Below you will find information regarding access to the meeting. The meeting can be accessed via computer, cell phone, or house phone. Please enter the meeting prior to start time to avoid interruptions. Attached you will find the meeting agenda, minutes, and financials. Topic: Santo Tomas Board MeetingTime: Apr 6, 2020 5:30 PM Arizona Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Or iPhone one-tap : +1(623)4049000,,1481651306# (US West)Or Telephone:Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1(623)4049000 (US West)Meeting ID: 148 165 1306 International numbers available:
March 12, 2020
Board of Directors Meeting Cancelled
Dear Homeowners, In light of the recent virus outbreak some concern has been brought up in relation to the meeting scheduled for Monday, March 16th. The Santo Tomas Board has communicated and in the interest of caution decided to postpone the meeting until further notice. We understand there are many items of interest for the community currently in progress like the preparation for vote on the CC&R’s and the recent notifications many homeowners received as a result of an audit of community rules and standards. Please be sure to reach out to Heywood Management to communicate concerns with violations received or if further clarification is needed by e-mailing We will update the community shortly for future plans to meet, whether by phone in a video conference, or public meeting should it be appropriate at that time. We hope that all are well and healthy and look forward to carrying on the interests of the community. Sincerely, The Santo Tomas HOA Board
Oct. 25, 2019
Board Application forms
For your review, we have attached copies of the Board Application Forms that have been filled out by those wishing to run for a position on the board. Ballots were mailed out today for you to vote for 6 individuals who will best represent the community.
Dec. 26, 2017
Christmas Tree Recycling - Scottsdale
Recycle Christmas Trees Date: January 6, 2018 Time: 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. Occurs: Every day until January 14, 2018 Cost: FREE Contact: Solid Waste, 480-312-5600 Description: Collection bins will be available at three city parks: Eldorado, Scottsdale Ranchand Thompson Peak. No artificial trees, stands or ornaments. We can also pick up your tree curbside during your regular brush and bulk collection week. Place your tree in the brush pile away from bulk items.