July 4, 2023
Santo Tomas HOA Board Meeting - July 10, 2023
Santo Tomas Homeowners, Please join the HOA Board of Directors for the July HOA Meeting. This will be held on Monday July 10, 2023 and it is scheduled to take place at the Hampton Inn and Suites located at 10101 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale AZ 85253. The Meeting agenda will be posted later this week, and will also be made available in print at the meeting. We look forward to seeing you there. Thank You
April 4, 2023
Santo Tomas - Board of Director's Meeting - Monday, April 10, 2023 @ 5:30pm
Please join the HOA Board for the April 10th Board Meeting at 5:30pm. This meeting will be held at 7253 E. Maverick Rd., Scottsdale AZ, 85258 (Dean's House - and will be held outside). Attached is the Agenda for the meeting (subject to change as needed leading up to the meeting). The full community packet will be posted by Friday, April 7, 2023.
Jan. 9, 2023
Santo Tomas - BOD Meeting Packet
Good afternoon, Please see the attached Board Packet for the Board Meeting being held tonight at Goldman’s Deli, 6929 North Hayden Road Scottsdale AZ (near Albertsons). Meeting time: 5-7 PM. We must be out by 7 PM. (Goldman’s is a great place to eat and they are providing us a free room. Please plan to get a drink, snack, or dinner while there, if possible).
Jan. 4, 2023
Santo Tomas - Board of Director's Meeting - Monday, January 9th @ 5:00pm
Santo Tomas - Board of Director's Meeting - Monday, January 9th @ 5:00pm. Attached is the Agenda for the meeting (changes may be made up until the 9th). January HOA Bard Meeting will be held at Goldman’s Deli, 6929 North Hayden Road Scottsdale AZ (near Albertsons). Meeting time 5-7 PM. We must be out by 7 PM. (Goldman’s is a great place to eat - they are providing us a free room. Please plan to get a drink, snack, or dinner while there, if possible).
Dec. 22, 2022
Santo Tomas Scottsdale Homes Association Rules -- Dec. 20, 2022
Santo Tomas Homeowners, The most updated copy of the Association Rules is attached and can also be seen on the website under the "Working Drafts of the Bylaws". These are being posted so that all homeowners are able to read them and comment on them prior to the final vote to adopt them. The board is requesting that all responses be received by January 5, 2023. The intent of the BOD is to vote on approval of the document at the January 9th, 2023, meeting. This document has been the subject of numerous reviews by the BOD and Members and should not be controversial as it is the culmination of months of work and discussion. Please send your comments to hello@heywoodmanagement.com with a subject line of Santo Tomas Rules.
Dec. 1, 2022
San Tomas - BOD Meeting
Good afternoon, Please see the attached agenda for the upcoming Board Meeting on December 5, 2022 at 6 PM. As a reminder, this meeting will be held Virtually and the call-in Information is below. Topic: Santo Tomas HOA Meeting Time: Dec 5, 2022, 06:00 PM ArizonaJoin from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/j/4798526531 For the best audio experience, please use computer audio.Or iPhone one-tap : US: +1(623)404-9000 (US West) Meeting ID: 479 852 6531 International numbers available: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/teleconference Thank you Heywood Community Management
Nov. 23, 2022
Santo Tomas HOA Board Meeting - Monday, December 5th, 2022 @ 6:00pm
The Santo Tomas HOA Board will be meeting on Monday, December 5th, 2022, starting at 6:00pm. This meeting will be held Virtually and the call-in Information is below. There will be an Executive Session for the Board Members to take place immediately following the Open Meeting. Topic: Santo Tomas HOA Meeting Time: Dec 5, 2022, 06:00 PM Arizona Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/j/4798526531 For the best audio experience, please use computer audio. Or iPhone one-tap : US: +1(623)404-9000 (US West) Meeting ID: 479 852 6531 International numbers available: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/teleconference
Nov. 18, 2022
Santo Tomas - Annual Meeting and Election
Santo Tomas Annual Meeting and Election November 14, 2022 Thank you to all who participated in the 2022 Annual Meeting and Election, whether in person or through a proxy ballot that was submitted. The meeting went well and the HOA Board of Directors for the remainder of the year and through 2023 will be as follows: President: Dean Tarbet (2-year term) Vice President: Paul Anderson (2-year term) Treasurer: Russell Deojay (1-year term) Secretary: Dr. Teresa Jimarez (1 year term) Member at Large: Jacob Carter (2-year term) Member at Large: Wyatt McPherson (1-year term) **We still have one (1) additional Board of Directors position that needs to be filled. This would be a one (1) year appointment filling a position previously vacated through resignation. Please reach out to me at chris@heywoodmanagement.com if you have any interest in filling that seat.** Thank you all again for a great meeting.
Oct. 24, 2022
Santo Tomas - Annual Meeting - Location Change
Santo Tomas Annual Meeting Update: Location Change After the success iof the October Board Meeting it has been decided to hold the Annual Meeting IN PERSON at the Franciscan Renewal Center (5802 East Lincolln Drive, Scottsdale AZ 85253.) We will be meeting in the Serra Room. This is in the same building as the October Meeting "Piper Hall" but across the hallway. Please update your Calendar for tha Annual Meeting, November 14th, IN PERSON at the Franciscan Renewal Center, Piper Hall, Serra Room at 6:00pm. Thank You All and We will see you on November 14th Good afternoon, Please see the attached regarding the upcoming Annual Meeting. Thank you Heywood Community Management
Oct. 10, 2022
Santo Tomas - BOD Meeting Tonight
Attached is a map to find the location of the Board meeting being held this evening at 5:30 PM at the Franciscan Renewal Center.
Oct. 3, 2022
Santo Tomas HOA Board Meeting - Monday, October 10th @ 5:30pm - In Person
The Board of Director's meeting will be held on October 10th at 5:30 PM. The meeting will take place at the Franciscan Renewal Center located at 5802 E Lincoln Dr, Scottsdale AZ 85253. This meeting will be held in person in the Graces Room in the Casa Building of the Franciscan Renewal Center. The room will be marked and someone will be there to guide you to the correct location. The center is currently asking all who enter to fill out a Covid Release Form upon their arrival.
Oct. 3, 2022
Santo Tomas - Annual Meeting - Call For Nominations to the HOA Board of Directors
Dear Santo Tomas Homeowner, Attached you will find a nomination form for the election of STSHA Board of Directors. If you would like to serve on the board, please fill out the form and send it to hello@heywoodmanagement.com by October 17th, 2022. We look forward to hearing from you.
Sept. 30, 2022
Santo Tomas - BOD Meeting
Good afternoon, The Board of Director's meeting will be held on October 10th at 5:30 PM. The meeting will take place at the Franciscan Renewal Center located at 5802 E Lincoln Dr, Scottsdale AZ 85253. The agenda for the meeting is attached here. Homeowners are encouraged to examine the updated Rules & Regulations document that was posted today on the STSHA website under "Working Drafts of ByLaws". The Board of Directors is also looking for feedback/comments on the document, which can be added on the Track Changes Tool of Word.. or can separately identified paragraphs where issues are detected. Please reach out to our office with any questions. Thank you and enjoy your weekend! Heywood Community Management
July 19, 2022
San Tomas - Bulk Trash Clean-up
7-18-20022Santo Tomas Neighbors, Bulk Trash Clean-up Our thanks go out to the Scottsdale Sanitation Department for their collection of Santo Tomas’s brush and bulk trash on Saturday 7/16. It has made the neighborhood much more presentable. Some in the neighborhood took advantage of the bulk trash pickup and left their palm cutting on the street far ahead of the pickup date. Your yard workers should take this debris to the dump, and you should pay for that. Big piles of palm leaves are unsightly. The Sanitation Department took everything placed on the street – even the stuff they state they won’t on their website! Construction debris, toilets, and water softeners were observed. Now, it is time to do our part. It is an owner’s responsibility to clean up debris left by the Sanitation Department, reference Architectural Rules, dated 11/18/2016 paragraph DEBRIS & BRUSH PICKUP states: “g. It is homeowner’s responsibility to clean up residue of the City does not after pick up.” Please get out and sweep up and dispose of the residue right away. It is unsightly and spreads throughout the neighborhood if not removed.The bulk schedule for the rest of the year is:August 15-19.September 19-23.October 17-21.November 14-18.December 19-23. Bulk trash may be placed at the curb 7 days before the first pickup date. Please stay safe in this time of heat and monsoon! Respectfully, Paul AndersonPresident, Santo Tomas Scottsdale Homes Association